
Methodological guidelines for transition management

Datum 26 okt, 2022

(deze publicatie is in het Engels)

This guide supports policy workers in (European) cities who want to design a transformative and participatory process for realising just and climate-neutral cities. Based on a three-year research project with six European cities (TOMORROW), this guide has been developed to address issues encountered in the practice of urban transitions: from redesigning municipal institutions to creating legitimacy for radicality and shaping co-creation.

The guide can be used to work towards developing a roadmap for decarbonisation in 2030 or 2050, but also to develop sustainability policies, trade agreements, or memoranda, and can be used by teams in public or private organisations, across organisations and/ or with support from a third party. Importantly, the process of transition management that this guide covers is more important than any anticipated outputs.

Tessa de Geus, Giorgia Silvestri, Julia Wittmayer

Funded by
The TOMORROW project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847136

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