
Just Arenas Guide: samenwerking vormgeven voor duurzame en rechtvaardige transities

Datum 18 mei, 2022

(deze publicatie is in het Engels)

How can we facilitate spaces for accelerating transformative change towards more just and sustainable urban futures? In this guide, we share our ‘Just Arena’ approach for designing translocal and collaborative spaces for just sustainability transitions.


This guide is for all city-makers that are interested in facilitating a translocal community learning process aimed at accelerating just sustainability transitions. It provides inspiration and practical tips for people who recognize that a lot of transformative innovation is already happening, while also sharing a desire to bring it to a ‘next level’ in terms of institutionalizing and mainstreaming alternative ways of doing, knowing and organizing.

Or in other words: this guide is for people who recognize the need for cross-fertilization of movements across places.

Karlijn Schipper, Frank van Steenbergen, Flor Avelino & Giorgia Silvestri

The UrbanA-project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
Programme under grant agreement No. 822357.

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Click here to download the full guide