
An advent calendar for fundamental change, part I

Date 9 Dec, 2024

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In the northern hemisphere, it’s getting cold outside, with shorter days and longer nights. But we’re also facing a figurative cold here, a fierce chill of far-right, authoritarian political forces that are mostly ‘anti transitions’. It is something that keeps coming up in work and conversation, both within our organisation and when in touch with our network. What to do, what to do? 

If we think of this political moment as ‘dark days of winter’, perhaps there is a holiday tradition that can help us as well. Because isn’t that what all those gifts and lights and hearty meals in various end-of-year ceremonies are there for? To stave off the dark and gloom?  

That got us thinking, what if we made an advent calendar filled with bite-sized transition ideas and activities? Not as an end-all answer or a reason to stop worrying, because that would be naive. Rather think of these entries as small flames to stoke the fire of those working on fundamental change and facing increased resistance: that’s you, me, we. 

So here are a few of those nuggets of light. We’ll share some more just before the end of 2024, and perhaps some early in the new year as well. Stay warm! 

#1 Deep Time Walk – a reminder of resilience and creativity

Have you ever heard of a Deep Time Walk? It’s a journey through 4.6 billion years of Earth’s history, scaled so that each step covers a million years. Along the way, you’ll pass the birth of the planet, the first stirrings of life, and the rise and fall of incredible creatures like dinosaurs. It’s a fascinating reminder of life’s resilience and creativity across unimaginable spans of time. 

Here’s the twist: humanity’s entire story fits into just the last few millimeters of this walk. That’s humbling, but also oddly hopeful. Earth has faced massive extinctions, meteor strikes, and ice ages—and still, life finds a way.  

There is a free app that guides you through this journey with a cool audio story. Check it out at

#2 Bureau Burgerberaad is empowering democratic participation

What could the future of our democracy look like? Bureau Burgerberaad is a Dutch nonprofit dedicated to strengthening democracy through citizen assemblies. These assemblies gather randomly selected citizens to address pressing issues like climate change, energy transition, and housing, producing recommendations for policymakers. Bureau Burgerberaad acts as an expert hub, offering training, advice, and quality oversight. Their work prioritizes inclusivity, transparency, and impact, with the motto: “Do it well, or don’t do it.” With nearly 30 assemblies with 100-150 citizens participating held across the Netherlands this year, the bureau is a vital force in rebuilding trust and collaboration in governance. 

#3 Where are the birds?

What do the black-tailed godwit (grutto), the barn swallow (boerenzwaluw), and the willow warbler (fitis) have in common? (No, this isn’t a joke.) While we’re trudging through the cold rain in the Netherlands, they’re seeking refuge in Africa to find warmth and food. As the days grow darker, there’s comfort in imagining them on their adventures: the black-tailed godwit strolling through rice fields in Senegal, the barn swallow feasting on insects from Ivory Coast to Angola, and the fitis singing his song from trees in many places south of the Sahel. Next spring, they’ll be back, ready to nest, after travelling thousands of kilometers. Until then, see where your imagination takes you! 

#4 Biodiversity education for professionals and free forward-thinking course (in Dutch)

We’ve been able to develop a unique training ‘Toekomst voor Biodiversiteit‘, together with Naturalis Biodiversity Center Netherlands and SUSC Sustainability training & consultancy and DRIFT.

This unique six-day course (plus follow-up day) allows you to explore how you and your organization can make a positive contribution to a future for biodiversity… and our own future. After all, biodiversity forms the basis for a healthy planet and is essential for our food security, well-being and economy.

And if that is too specific a program or too steep a price tag, we’re also partnering with De Nationale Toekomstcursus (‘The Dutch National Course for the Future’). This free and online course is a great way for everyone and their uncle to enter (or re-enter) a future-thinking mode.


This calendar was created by Floor van den Elzen, Sanne van den Boom, Diederik van der Mast, Laura van Bellen, Tjeu van Bussel and Wouter Mulders